Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ambitions in check on global climate deal

Ambitions in check on global climate deal

With just weeks to go before UN talks on climate change open in South Africa, negotiators have shifted their goal from striking a historic deal to ensuring that the global system survives.

Participants have long billed the conference opening on November 28 in Durban as a last chance to find a way forward on fighting climate change, with the Kyoto Protocol's commitments to cutcarbon emissions expiring after 2012.

Officials from key nations reported progress in preparatory talks that closed Friday in Panama City -- not in resolving the most knotty issues, but in starting to work out a technical framework for the future.

"Countries are trying pretty hard to scale expectations down to a realistic level for Durban," said Jennifer Haverkamp, the international climate program director at the US-based Environmental Defense Fund.

Haunting the talks is the 2009 summit in Copenhagen, where more than 100 world leaders swept in as public pressure mounted for a sweeping deal but found themselves ready only to take incremental steps.

Politics have also shifted in the United States, the world's largest economy. Proposals to cut carbon emissions nationwide floundered in Congress as President Barack Obama's rivals question the science behind climate change.

US negotiators have pushed vigorously in talks for China, the world's largest emitter, to face binding obligations. But Beijing and other emerging economies have hit back that Washington must make firmer commitments.

"We're probably some years away from the comprehensive, robust agreement that we need as long as the United States comes to these negotiations with empty pockets," Haverkamp said.

Greenpeace climate activist Tove Ryding conceded that governments would not be able produce an ambitious agreement in Durban.

"However, the least they can give us are solid building blocks towards that agreement as well as a timeline and a plan to ensure that we will get that agreement as fast as humanly possible," she said.

UN-led scientists say that carbon emissions must peak by mid-decade to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. As of now, combined national commitments put the planet far away from meeting a goal of checking warming to 2.0 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.

Mahlet Eyassu, an activist with Forum for Environment-Ethiopia, pointed to this year's drought in her region. The United Nations says that tens of thousands have died from famine, mostly in war-torn Somalia, and millions more are at risk.

"The Horn of Africa has been affected by the worst drought in 60 years. So countries need to be more serious. They need to take urgent actions" on climate change, she said.

Most governments support the preservation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its rules-based system, even if they disagree strongly over where those rules should apply.

Dessima Williams, a diplomat from Grenada who represents a bloc of small island states that fear rising water levels threaten their very existence, saw some progress in Panama and said it would benefit the international order.

"We must preserve the multilateral rules-based climate regime to limit greenhouse gas emissions to ensure the survival of small island states and the planet," she said.

Many delegates agreed that the Panama talks made headway on finance, with technical details being worked out on a Green Climate Fund that aims to provide $100 billion a year to the most vulnerable countries starting in 2020.

But there was no sign of agreement on emissions cuts after 2012. Only the European Union has offered a new round under the Kyoto Protocol, which only covers wealthy economies and does not require reductions by China.

UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said that one solution would be for some economies to recommit under Kyoto "to uphold the rules-based system," with other nations making pledges that are "rigorous" but outside the treaty.

"Governments are exploring precisely those middle-ground solutions," she said. "That is going to be the crux of Durban." SOURCE:


The Bible Doesn't Mention Any "Ice Age," So SHUT UP ABOUT IT!

FREEHOLD, IOWA - After only 2-minutes into Disney's film, "Ice Age," its clear that the intent of the feature is not to entertain young viewers, but to indoctrinate them with "scientific theories." These theories (secular lies) are already being placed into our children's poor little heads each day they attend public school and are taught by lisping, homosexual, home-room teachers who spit AIDS and secular lies onto their clean white faces. Apparently, liberal scholars and most scientists now agree that a so called "ice age" was caused by an avalanche set off by a mutated (secular word for "demon-shaped") squirrel with buck teeth looking for acorns. Would you believe that unsaved people are buying into this outrageous garbage!

If scientists would stop spending 8-hours a day talking to monkeys and crack open the Holy Bible, they would be in for a rude awakening! The fact is, friends, there is no mention of "ice" in the Bible and the only mention of "age" refers to people who lived to be 900 years old. And if they lived that long, they most certainly would have remembered a so-called "ice age" and have wrote something down about it. Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards explains, "The fountains of the great deep broke up after Noah parked his boat mount Ararat. This brought hot water and lava from Hell to the earth's surface right about the same time Noah's son,Ham (the first colored man) and generations of his offspring were cursed to be slaves because Ham got caught staring at his dad's tallywhacker. The debris from Satan's lair probably released water vapour and ashes from the lake of fire into the atmosphere. This possibly blocked out sunlight and cooled the land. Since the Bible doesn't really talk about an Ice Age, it's clear that the secular notions of such an event are based on theory rather than fact. The fact is, that Noah might have seen a few snow flurries, if anything at all, but that's about it."

With today's slick Hollywood special effects, True Christians® are being bombarded with false images of huge mammoth creatures being taken out of the ice and gigantic dinosaur bones being pulled out of canyons. "It's out of control," says Pastor Deacon Fred. "None of this has been proven and the people at the Discovery Channel refuse to let accredited Creation Scientists examine their 'so-called' evidence. Now our innocent Christian children are watching secular history cartoons like 'Ice Age' that fill their little heads with fantasies about talking animals that never existed! Well, friends- the Bible makes it perfectly clear in the book of Genesis, Chapter 1 and Numbers, Chapter 22 that the only animals that can talk are snakes and donkeys."

Most Pastors agree that if Christian parents would take their children out of public schools and invest their money in providing a sound Biblical education at a private Baptist School, it would solve most of the world's problems. "Kids won't even want to watch movies like 'Ice Age,'" says Pastor Deacon Fred. "There are so many more interesting stories in the Bible, and they are ALL true!" In most True Christian® schools, like Dr. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, in Lynchburg, VA, they monitor, edit, and approve the movies that students are allowed to watch. Liberty University, a Baptist school, receives state funding and accredidation. "They have to teach evolution in their Biology classes in order to get that funding," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "But since I received a degree from that school, I can tell you that they teach it, and then they tell you it's a load of bunk."

For those parents who cannot afford to send their children to a private Christian school, Landover Baptist Educator and mother, Kathy Anne Hargraves, gave some sound advice at an emergency meeting of the Baptist Homeschooling Association. "If you don't know how to answer your child's questions after they see a movie like this, just tell them that Satan is the author of confusion and if they don't stop asking questions, demons are going to jump out from under their beds and bite off their feet," she said. "In most cases it's probably the truth and your child's mind will be put to rest. They're not likely to search for any knowledge outside of the Bible ever again. Shout Glory!" SOURCE:

Refuting the Myth of Man-made Global Warming

Arguments based on science, news, and common sense. This site is non-partisan and non-religious based. In fact we fight the new faith based religion of global warming. Don't keep arguing the subject, just tell them to go to GlobalWarmingHoax.com!

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