Saturday, October 8, 2011

Romney's Mormon religion emerged as an issue at the summit.

Romney's Mormon religion emerged as an issue at the summit.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wooed evangelical Christian voters on Saturday with promises he would protect families, but found his Mormon religionat center stage at a conference of social conservatives.
The former Massachusetts governor, front-runner in the race for his party's nomination to oppose President Barack Obama in 2012, promised at the annual "Values Voter Summit" he would oppose marriage rights for homosexuals and seek to overturn the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision allowing legal abortions.
But Romney, who is viewed skeptically by conservatives for his past support for abortion rights and gay rights, kept to a relatively moderate line as he pushed back at those who denounce his faith.
"Poisonous language does not advance our cause," Romney said. "The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate. The task before us is to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us -- let no agenda narrow our vision or drive us apart."
Romney's Mormon religion emerged as an issue at the summit, where some participants questioned the validity of Romney's faith, which some evangelicals do not consider a form of Christianity.
The speaker who immediately followed Romney took veiled shots at the candidate's religion and said only an "authentic" Christian should be president.
On Friday, Texas pastor Robert Jeffress, a supporter of Texas Governor Rick Perry, said Republicans should not vote for Romney because he is a Mormon. He described Mormonism as a cult to reporters at the conference after introducing Perry, one of Romney's main rivals for the nomination.
Perry's campaign rejected Jeffress' view. "The governor does not believe Mormonism is a cult," Perry spokesman Mark Miner said.
All of the leading Republican presidential hopefuls made pitches for support at the influential gathering of social and religious conservatives who play a big role in the party's nominating race. The summit is sponsored by the Family Research Council, American Family Association and other evangelical Christian groups." SOURCE:
Crossdressing Generals in the Military Still an Issue with GOP

Mitt promised at the annual "Values Voter Summit" he would oppose marriage rights for homosexuals and seek to overturn the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision allowing legal abortions? Our greatest fear is Cross Dressing Generals in the Military , who cares if the president is a Mormon, or a Baptist or even God forbid one of those Catholics as long as we can keep this country from going to Hell with a sissy in charge of our boy's in uniform. Mens uniforms, Cletus Puckett of the Family Research Council added.

Posted April 22nd, 2009 by Michael Airhart
Felony violence against gay people should be a protected form of expression if it is committed by pastors, according to the text of a fund-raising e-mail dated Friday from the Family Research Council.
In the message, FRC President Tony Perkins — who in 1996 paid Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke $82,500 for his mailing list, and who as recently as 2001 addressed the white-supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens — argues that an expansion of existing federal hate crime laws (which punish felony violence) to include sexual orientation could be used to arrest pastors.
Here is the full text of Perkins’ message. Emphasis is FRC’s:
Hate Crimes legislation to silence you!
April 17, 2009
The enactment of so-called “hate crimes” legislation is a long stated objective of the homosexual agenda.
What “hate crimes” legislation does is lay the legal foundation and framework for investigating, prosecuting and persecuting pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose actions reflect their faith.
The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to mark-up the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 this Wednesday, April 22. They need to hear from you.
It was in a similar hearing last Congress that Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) admitted that under the legislation pastors could be arrested for hate crimes.
The act would establish a new FEDERAL offense for so-called “hate crimes” and add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes. It will mandate a separate federal criminal prosecution for state offenses.
Adding “sexual orientation” to thought crimes legislation gives one set of crime victims a higher level of protection than it gives to people like you and me.
ALL people deserve to be protected from crime, not just certain groups.
Sign our Petition TODAY to say equal protection under the law means equal protection for ALL. Please join the over 22,000 people who have already signed this petition. If you have already signed, please forward to ten of your friends and ask them to sign.
Tony Perkins
Contrary to the wishes of Perkins, we believe that pastors who commit felony violence against gay and lesbian Americans should be punished to the fullest extent possible. But they won’t be punished equally, unless sexual orientation is added to existing federal and state hate-crime laws, because at present most such laws treat violent crimes against a victim’s race or religion more harshly than violent crimes committed on the basis of the victim’s perceived sexual orientation.
FRC believes that “pastors, business owners, and anyone else” are entitled to a special right to commit acts of violence on the basis of their faith.
We disagree.
Growing U.S. public support for hate-crime laws suggests that Americans are slowly realizing that false appeals to religion must not be used by right-wing extremists as a blank check to justify violence against people with different religious and moral beliefs.
Tags: anti-gay, Family Research Council, gay, hate crime, violence

General Henry "Sissy" Knox said; it takes balls to wear womens cloths all day! If these so called Christians had any sense they'd know it is a much heavier sin they're committing by sitting in judgement over another human being than it is for the 'so called sins' these christains are all up in the GOP over."

God is the only one who can judge and most of my Baptist brothers are guilty of a worse sin...the sin of blasphemy against the Most High God. i.e. Taking over as God or being as God, who is our only Judge. (Peace be upon His Name)
Many people have engaged in cross-dressing during wartime under various circumstances and for various motives. This has been especially true of women, whether while serving as a soldier in otherwise all-male armies, while protecting or disguising their identity in dangerous circumstances, or for other purposes. Conversely, men would dress as women to avoid being drafted, the mythological precedent for this beingAchilles hiding at the court of Lycomedes dressed as a girl to avoid participation in the Trojan War.


Epipole of Carystus was a Greek woman reported by Chennos to have joined the Greek army in the Trojan War.
Achilles was a Greek hero in the Trojan War. After hearing an Oracle that her son would die in battle, his mother, Thetis, hid him in woman's clothing to prevent him from being taken to war.
Middle Ages
Hua Mulan was, according to a famous Chinese poem, a woman who joined the Chinese army in her father's stead.
Fourteenth century
Jeanne de Clisson (1300–1359), the “Lioness of Brittany”, was a pirate who plied the English Channel for French ships from 1343 to 1356.
Joanna of Flanders (c. 1295–1374) led the Montfortist faction in Brittany in the 1340s after the capture of her husband left her as the titular head of the family. She wore male dress at engagements such as the siege of Hennebont.
Onorata Rodiani (1403–1452) was a semilegendary Italian mercenary.
]Fifteenth century
Jacqueline of Wittelsbach, Countess of Hainaut (1401–1436) led the Hoek faction in Holland. She and one of her servants disguised themselves as soldiers to escape confinement in Ghent.
Joan of Arc (c. 1412–1431), the national heroine of France, led armies in male clothing during the Hundred Years' War and was accused of cross-dressing by the tribunal that sentenced her to death.
Sixteenth century
Brita Olofsdotter, widow after soldier Nils Simonsson, serves in the Finnish troup in the Swedish cavalry in Livonia; she is killed in battle, and king John III of Sweden orders for her salary to be paid to her family.
Seventeenth century
Catalina de Erauso (1592–1650), the Nun Lieutenant, was a semilegendary Spanish adventurer.
Eighteenth century
Bonnie Prince Charlie (1720–1788) dressed as Flora MacDonald's maid servant, Betty Burke, to escape the Battle of Culloden for the island of Skye in 1746.
Deborah Sampson (1760–1827) of Massachusetts was the first known American woman who disguised herself as a soldier. She served in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War.
Joanna Żubr (1770–1852) was a Polish soldier of the Napoleonic Wars and the first woman to receive the Virtuti Militari, the highest Polish military order.
Hannah Snell (1723–1792) was an Englishwoman who entered military service under the name "James Gray", initially for the purpose of searching for her missing husband. She served in General Guise's regiment in the army of the Duke of Northumberland, and then in the marines.
Ulrika Eleonora Stålhammar (1688–1733) was a Swedish female soldier and crossdresser during the Great Northern War.
Nineteenth century
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Mexican dictator and general, tried to escape after his defeat at San Jacinto disguised as a woman.
Albert D. J. Cashier (1843–1915), born Jennie Irene Hodgers, was an Irish-born woman served in the Union Army during the American Civil War as a male soldier.
Jane Dieulafoy (1851-1916) was a French woman who, when her husband enlisted during the Franco-Prussian War, dressed as a man and fought alongside him.
Nadezhda Durova (1783–1866) was a decorated Russian cavalry soldier of the Napoleonic Wars who spent nine years disguised as a man.
Eleonore Prochaska (1785–1813) was a German woman soldier who fought in the Lützow Free Corps during the War of the Sixth Coalition.
Friederike Krüger (1789–1848) was a soldier in the Prussian army.
James Barry (surgeon) (c. 1792-1795 – 25 July 1865) was a military surgeon in the British Army who is widely believed to have been born female and named Margaret Ann Bulkley.
Anna Lühring (1796–1866) (sometimes wrongly referred to as Anna Lührmann) was a German soldier in the Lützow Free Corps during the Napoleonic Wars.
Mária Lebstück (1831-1892) was a Hussar officer during the Hungarian War of Independence of 1848 and 1849 under the name Károly Lebstück.
Sarah Emma Edmonds (1841–1898) served with the Union Army in the American Civil War disguised as a man named Frank Thompson.
Mollie Bean served with the Confederate Army in the American Civil War under the alias Melvin Bean.
Cathay Williams (1844–1892) was a former slave who became the first recorded African-American woman in the U.S. Army.
Loreta Janeta Velazquez a.k.a. "Lieutenant Harry Buford" (June 26, 1842- c.1897) - A Cuban woman who donned Confederate garb and served as a Confederate officer and spy during the war.[1][2]
Twentieth century
Ecaterina Teodoroiu (1894–1917), regarded as a heroine of Romania, fought and died in World War I. However, her biography does not note that she crossdressed in order to fight.[citation needed]
Dorothy Lawrence (1896–1964) was a British reporter who served as a man in the army during World War I.
Frieda Belinfante (1904-1995) was a prominent musician and World War II Dutch Resistance fighter who disguised herself as a man for 6 months to avoid capture by the Gestapo.
Ehud Barak (b. 1942), the later prime minister of Israel, disguised himself as a woman to assassinate members of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Beirut during the 1973 covert mission Operation Spring of Youth.

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