Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HomoSexual Warning/ Gay Sex Scene Removed from Harry Potter

Gay Sex Scene Removed From Harry Potter.

Homosexual Warning Video

Christian Warning:
Are you judging, you may be committing a greater sin; the sin of Blasphemy.
Don’t be like the Truly Saved Christians of Westover Baptist Church.

Blasphemy: The act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity.
File:WBC 20051202 sacco-topeka5.jpg

wikipedia wrote:
Blasphemy: The act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity.

Those who claim judgment on others through the use of Bible quotes do exactly this. But, I think the harm goes much deeper.

“Even if one accepts that all 66 books were originally directly spoken by God and written down perfectly by inspired scribes (which the Bible nowhere teaches) still one has to deal with the conflicting manuscripts and obvious scribal errors. Nothing is to be gained by wearing blinders and pretending the Bible we have today is "inerrant" and identical to the original manuscripts (NONE of which exist today). We need to understand the Book as a book.”-RY

wikipedia wrote:
Idolatry: Idolatry is usually defined as worship of any cult image, idea, or object, as opposed to the worship of a monotheistic God. Blind or excessive devotion to something such as a graven image or other human work.

So, those who profess a work of man, the Bible, to be divine, i.e. the inerrant word of God, by definition commit idolatry. In addition, to use this work of man to claim to speak for God, is blasphemy.

I have been to a few of these evangelical prayer meetings, and I have to admit, they look a lot like mass demon possession to me. Incoherent babbling, falling and flopping on the floor, etc. All reminds me of a scene from "The Exorcist." In fact, if you try to talk to some of these folks and explain your view, they become absolutely nasty and claim you are from the anti-Christ.

Another issue I see, is the complete disregard for The Father. It's all about 'Jesus'. I thought Jesus came to proclaim the promise of the Father? They seem to be making a idol of Jesus, himself.

Do you think I am off base here? Is it possible, that these people are possessed? Is it possible, that they are committing idolatry with the Bible and the name of Jesus? Is it possible to help them without judging them?
Truly Saved Christian Soldier?
"Thank God for dead soldiers": a controversial thing to say, yet a sadly a belief of the Westboro Baptist Church. Headed by Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptists Church has been involved in a large anti-gay movement, picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers, and protesting against Jewish institutions since the early 90s."

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