Monday, January 2, 2012

Are You Prepared For Ascension in 2012?

This guy has the right idea:

Are You Prepared For Ascension On
 December 21, 2012?
Read this to understand why DNA Activation is so important right now for those who desire to ascend...
Dear Friend,
This could be the most important letter you will read in your entire life. We are living in an incredible time of unprecedented changes, and you need to know how to prepare for the upcoming changes.  Pay close attention, as I will be revealingexactly what you need to know now.
Earth is in the middle of an ascension cycle that only happens once every 25,556 years. As a human being alive on this planet, you have the opportunity to ascend with the Earth and shift into the frequencies of eternal peace, untouchable happiness, unconditional love, and absolute abundance.

Ascension is the scientific process by which we merge all of the frequencies of our Higher Self with our physical body. In doing so, we transform ourselves from carbon to silica based bodies, and eventually into pre-matter liquid light bodies. We are all forgotten Gods and Goddesses, and the opportunity to remember and reclaim our power is upon us now.
Ascension is accomplished via DNA Activation.  In addition to the 2 strands of DNA that you were taught about in biology class, humans have 10 additional etheric strands of DNA. Indigo's have even more. Activating these dormant strands is the key to our evolution. Once fully activated, you are truly limitless.
The benefits of DNA Activation include disease-free immortality, psychic abilities, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, unlimited abundance, eternal bliss, and the fulfillment of all desires. 
...just to name a few!
What is happening now is that the particles that make up Earth's auric field are speeding up in pulsation rate. And because we exist as part of the Earth's auric field, the particles that make up our own auric fields must speed up. You must have at least 4 strands of DNA active by December 21, 2012 to make the shift. This is not a matter of a "judgment day"; it is the physics of ascension.

All of the current challenges, intensified weather patterns, major global conflicts,  extreme polarization in politics, are a part of this often difficult process.  On a personal level, as your field speeds up you will have to let go of low vibrating energy blockages or be forced to manifest them into your 3D experience so that you can "walk through your karma."  That can often be a painful process, but is completely avoidable via energy clearing work. 
This is where I come in. My name is Steven Fulop. I was born with my 6th strand of DNA active. That is the one that corresponds with what is commonly referred to as the "Third Eye."  Because of this, I've always had the natural ability to see beyond the ordinary 3D reality. This ability was a bit sloppy at first but I honed it over time.
The truth, I discovered, is that we live in a 15-dimensional time matrix. Due to various energetic imprints and seals, most people only have access to the first three levels of their multi-dimensional anatomy. These are the physical, emotional, and mental levels. In addition to being cut-off from dimensions 4-15,  almost everyone has plenty of distortions on the three base levels.  These energetic distortions manifest as mental and emotional problems and physical dis-ease. Our experienced realties are manifest by Source-energy passing through our energetic fields. Any distortion in your field, if not cleared, will eventually show up in your experience.
By studying advanced spiritual and scientific texts and doing intensive training with the top energy healers in the world, I developed my natural skills to remarkable levels. I now have access to all 15-levels of our multi-dimensional anatomy. I can Remote View anyone's energy field and also Remote Influence it. I have cultivated the abilities to heal any blockage permanently, activate the dormant DNA strands, and reset the DNA template back to its original divine blueprint.
My focus is on removing the energetic obstacles to ascension and activating your DNA to the highest level that you are able to handle at this time.

In addition to being prepared for ascension, you will experience immediate benefits. Old emotional baggage that you may have been carrying around for lifetimes will be finally cleared out for good, and you will be able to step into your authentic self. You'll start transitioning to a much greater experience of love, peace, joy and abundance. Your 3D experience will reflect your inner changes by attracting to you a higher frequency grid of people, places, and opportunities.
The DNA Activation Process
The basic process is 5 sessions and begins with an Auric Clearing. The Auric Clearing must be done first to remove the highest priority energetic blockages in your Aura (the electro-magnetic field that surrounds your body).
When the energy flowing through your auric field is unobstructed you are in your optimal state of mind, health, emotional well-being, and spiritual awareness. You experience constant joy, inner peace, radiant health, and ease of functioning when your auric field is balanced.

When the auric field is blocked or fragmented, these blockages can manifest as fear, anxiety, depression, or chronic fatigue. They can even manifest as physical dis-ease and suffering. When viewed clairvoyantly, these blockages are seen as dark spots or holes in the auric field, usually located in one or more the chakras. These represent unresolved issues and stagnated life force energy.

Typically people have many auric attachments that are significantly limiting their potential and life experience. Most people are carrying countless unresolved situations, limited beliefs, negative thoughtforms, etc. from this life and past lives. During Auric Clearing sessions, I identify and remove these blockages on all 15 levels of multi-dimensional awareness.

At the end of each session, I facilitate a download from your Higher Self. You are infused with as much higher frequency as you are now able to handle. 
Types of Auric Attachments That Require Clearing:
  • Occupants - thoughts that believe they own your body.
  • Discarnates - disembodied souls that use you as a host
  • Ids - unconscious identities, fractured soul fragments
  • Negative thought forms
  • Demons - dark soulless entities that possess individuals
  • Portals - slits in your auric field that drain your energy and through which you absorb other people's issues
  • Wormholes - parasitical drains that siphon energy from you. (Usually it is a discarnate draining you through a wormhole)
People report enormous improvements in energy, personal power, clarity, focus, attitude, abundance, and joy following Auric Clearing sessions.
About a week later, after your light body becomes stabilized in it's new energetic structure, the Karma Removal session can be done. The Karma Removal session clears past life karmic issues that are keeping you in a "karmic loop", where the same types of things keep happening to you over and over in life.
Karmic imprints manifest themselves in negative feelings such as guilt, jealously, revenge, unworthiness, victimization, hatred, and anger. These imprints are usually in the form of personas that hijack the individual when triggered. Karmic issues also frequently group together and form Karmic Complexes.
Karmic Imprint Personas That Require Clearing:
  • Absolute Perfectionist   
  • Ultimate Innocent
  • Professional Victim
  • Terrorist
  • Perennial Martyr
  • Emotional Cannibal
  • Compulsive Destroyer
  • Obsessive Projectionist
  • Sorcerer
  • Tyrant
  • Sybarite
  • Warden
Karmic Complexes That Require Clearing:
  • Male-Image complex
  • Female-Image complex
  • Failure-Guilt-Wrath complex
  • Father-God complex

In your Karma Removal session, we will clear these personas and complexes, the emotional baggage associated with them, and cut all karmic cords which no longer serve you. At the end of the session, working with your higher self, I will upgrade you to a much higher vibration where you naturally attract more desirable experiences.

Next is the J-seal removal session. There are 7 unnatural seals located on the left side of the human body. These J-Seals are also known as "death seals", and exist in the physical body due to manipulation of Earth's planetary shields. These seals manifest as degeneration and many physical, mental and emotional problems.
J-Seals That Require Clearing:
  • Seal 1 – Top of the Skull on the Left side
  • Seal 2 – Heart, Left Lung, back Left Knee
  • Seal 3 – Pineal Gland
  • Seal 4 – Left side of Neck and Lymphatics
  • Seal 5 – Rear left Thigh and Buttock
  • Seal 6 – Alta major (where skull rests atop the spine) hypothalamus, and top of left shoulder
  • Seal 7 – Aorta Artery on Left Side of Neck
Activation of the Pineal Gland leads to psychic abilities. Seal 3, located in this gland, blocks its natural activation. Once cleared, psychic abilities naturally begin to develop. 
In addition to these 7 seals, I clear out another seal called the Zeta Seal during this session. This nasty seal blocks the full activation of the 4th DNA strand. The J-seal removal session is done about a week after the Karma Removal.

The initial three sessions prepare you to accrete the amount of light required to activate your DNA. About a week after the J-seal, the 1st DNA Activation can be done. There are at least 2 DNA Activations required to activate as many strands of DNA that your energy body can handle at this point in your evolution. These sessions should also be done about a week apart.
DNA Activation establishes a permanent connection between your physical body and higher self so that you are continuously downloading and embodying the highest frequencies your body can handle. Without DNA Activation, ascension is impossible. 
All of the sessions are energetic in nature and do not require that we have physical or verbal contact during the scheduled appointment time. All that is required of you is that you get into a relaxed state and have the intention of allowing the work to be done. I will get in a deep meditative state and remotely connect to your energy body and perform the clearing. It does not matter if you are half way across the world, as I will be connecting via what quantum physicists call the unified energy field.  
If you'd like to better understand how such things are possible, read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. It is based on the work of David Bohm. He is the renowned scientist that Albert Einstein stated was his "intellectual successor."
Most people report feeling the energy shifts during their session. How intensely you feel it will depend on your energetic sensitivity and how relaxed you are at the time.  Regardless of how strongly you feel the session while it is happening, you will experience an incredible shift in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies during the 5-7 day integration following each session.
Each session will last about an hour. It is strongly recommended that you get plenty of water following the sessions as your body is undergoing a massive release of toxins.
Pricing & Scheduling 
Each of the five sessions are $200. Now, for a limited time, I am offering $100 off the entire series if purchased as a package. Therefore, the investment in yourself for all 5 sessions is now only $900.

Click the Online Store tab and select Services -> Energy Healing -> Auric, Karma, J-Seal, 2 DNA (Discount). Once you've ordered, you can then go to the Appointments tab to schedule your sessions and you will receive an auto-email with the pre-session information. The times on the scheduler are New York time (EST).

Steve Fulop

Ps. If you are "on the fence" about DNA Activation,  email me and we can schedule a free phone consultation. Serious inquiries only. 

Client Feedback

"My name is Anya Castellano, I am a certified Kundalini yoga teacher. I had the pleasure of working with Steven Fulop. I do feel energy and found a shift for the better through each session that Steven worked on me. I noticed that I felt clearer and more open. I also noticed how others reacted differently to me, I found people were more attracted to my energy both in my work and socially. I highly recommend working with Steven; he is trustworthy, intuitive and compassionate. All the best on your journey!"


"Dear Steve,

Thank you again for being a spiritual doula for Arthur and I as we learn to operate more fully from multidimensional understanding. As emotional clearings come and go, I find that my baseline of happiness is rising AND I am attracting higher vibrational experiences as you promised. I happily await the birth of my son and look forward to experiencing more of life as I am connected to my inner Self.

Katie H."

"I would like to preface this review by saying my experience with Steve and his energy healing process has been one of the most enjoyable and helpful experiences in my path toward living my full potential in the last several years. I originally came across Steve's energy healing services and Stairway to Now while browsing online. Never having received energy healing before, I was of course skeptical. I sent Steve several challenging emails asking him about the nature of the experience, how I could know if was working, how this type of work was possible, about his background, what I could expect afterwords, what support I would have, etc. I have to say that Steve was INCREDIBLY responsive and detailed in seeing to it that all of my questions were answered in an honest, professional, and friendly manner that went beyond the call of duty. Steve is clearly a person that is willing to dedicate significant amounts of time toward helping people in their conscious evolutions simply out of his desire to share his gifts and wisdom, beyond any profits involved.

Session by session, I eventually decided to go through all 5 standard healing sessions and watched my life shift as I was going. Granted, I was going through a period of major transition while I was working with Steve (quitting my long-held corporate job), so other healing experiences were occurring simultaneously, but I am highly confident that Steve's services helped me to shift some of my previously ingrained patterns and let go of belief systems that were no longer serving me. This process has led to some of the most amazing days in my life, and is still facilitating what I would call a major breakthrough and shift into living a life of trust, acceptance, abundance, love and passion. I am VERY grateful for getting connected with Steve. He is truly passionate for and dedicated to his work, and is a very capable healing who I'm sure will only improve with time. I would highly recommend his services to any who is dedicated to making a shift in their lives, and who is willing to be OPEN and TRUST.

Thank You!!"
-Nathan Mooney 


Begin Your Ascension Process Now!

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