Friday, September 30, 2011

Question of Adams Belly Button

A question that has plagued many of us in religious and intellectual circles for the last century has been subject of debate, and heated discussion across the globe. It is the presumption as to the exact time and nature in and by which Adam (being in this case the first man to exist) was blessed with a belly-button. ‘How curious,’ you might ask. Yet, this very curiosity has enthralled scholars and theologians so much for the last few decades that they have finally grouped themselves into three distinct positions.

The first position, and it is worth exploring momentarily, however absurd, is the view of the "Pre-Umbilisists.” This group believes that Adam’s navel was formed upon the point of his creation. Adam, coming from dust and created in the precise image of our Lord was granted the navel at the time of his “coming into existence.” With this in mind, one must note that if Adam was indeed created in the image of God in Heaven, that our Lord must also be blessed with a navel. One might also argue that God at one time had to have had an umbilical cord. If this is indeed the case, our curiosity would lead us to question the location of attachment for the aforementioned “cord.” Some Pre-Umbilisists believe the point of attachment to be located between two star clusters, the Quinn Cluster and Gamma Quadrant Four. This location is hundreds of light years from our planet and was chosen because its coordinates lay within the area scientists have theorized to be the center of the Big Bang, the point of the universe's creation. The Pre-Umbilisist would argue that the Lord’s umbilical cord was attached to perhaps a planet or a mass in the deep space of nothingness. We could picture, they say, the image of a child-like God, floating about in this space with his umbilical cord attached to some mass. The “point of severing” which is an important term for the Pre-Umbilisist, would have happened at the implosion of that planet or mass. The explosion would have been so great, that the umbilical cord would have been broken, to float for eternity alone in deep space, and at the same point, our Lord awakened to complete consciousness, fully God and fully complete, with navel.

Adam’s navel would be complete and real, yet serve no known purpose were he to be blessed with it at the point in which he was “drawn from dust.” He would “simply have it,” the Pre-Umbilisist would argue, for without it, “he would not be in the complete image of God.” This series of arguments leads us to the question of “Eve,” Adam’s handmaid. It is here, we can bring up the second position, Mid-Umbilisism.

The Fall of Man, we define as the exact time when we, as human beings became aware of our sinful nature. The Fall, as we know, happened with the creation of Eve. The consequential events that followed led to Adams downfall and the human race as a whole, forever being “separated” from God. The Mid-Umbilisist argues that Adam’s belly-button was formed sometime between the creation of “Eve,” and the time in which it took that “Woman” to take the first bite of that most tempestuous apple. The central vision of the Mid-Umbilisist lays within the “taking of the rib.” When God saw that Adam was alone, he decided to create a help-mate. He did this by taking Adams rib and moving it in such a way to loose it from his stomach. The Mid-Umbilisist paints a picture of the protruding rib being pulled from the blank stomach of our dear Adam. Its being forced out in the very area where God intended to attach future children within the wombs of their mothers. The outward thrust created a puncture hole, and thus became, for Adam, the first belly-button. Eve, to the Mid-Umbilisist was and in a sense always shall be “without navel.” Even before the fall, they argue that this was God’s intention in creating the “Woman.” “Wo-” meaning underneath, below, less than, and in ancient Greek; inferior to.. the “Man.” You see, to the Mid-Umbilisist, women are forever caught in the wake of “Eve.” Eve, being without a navel, was of course, less than human, or as some might put it, “not human.” So in a sense, are all women, not human. They are not as their legacy unfolds, to be blessed with heaven, they are void and without a soul. The Mid-Umbilisist would have us believe that woman, at the end of time and at the point of their death, when they are no longer of any use to man, will be whisked away by the hand of God, as if they never existed, as if they never even happened. The Mid-Umbilisist refers to this time as “the Great Dusting Away.” In which those who were not created in the image of God, the women in this case, will simply be erased, as if nothing every happened. They were here to serve man, and incapable of service to God, so they can serve no purpose in the afterlife. Since they are soulless creatures, they can no sooner gain heaven than a dog or a cow.

This all leads us to the last position, that of the Post-Umbilisist. This group of learned theologians and scholars believe that Adam’s navel was formed after the Fall. The very instant when Adam and Eve discovered they were naked in the Garden of Eden, they were granted belly-buttons. You see, at this point there were no natural births, they were the only two people on the planet. They were not formed naturally, but supernaturally, by God. It would make sense, perhaps that the “placing of the navel” would be the last supernatural event. The children of Adam and Eve were the first to have natural belly-buttons. When these children slept with each other and birthed more children from incestuous relations, they in turn were given the placenta, the attachment. The navel was then to be symbolic of pain suffered in child-birth as well as the sinful necessity of incest to populate the planet. The question remains however, Why would Adam and Eve need belly-buttons. Perhaps for the very reason that they were created in the image of God. If this is the case, then the argument presented by the Pre-Umbilisist would need to be re-examined. Questions remain, like, where is the placenta of God, is it floating about in space, did it ever exist, why would God need a navel? This argument was explored recently in the arena of science fiction. Someone had theorized that there was this great cord like nexus “God’s placenta” zooming through space. Anyone who would pass through it could enter a state of euphoria, like being in the presence of God. Another matter that remains unresolved is the subject of “innies” and or “outies.” What do they mean? Is the inward formed navel a symbol of man’s attempt to reach the “spiritual” by looking “within?” The outward formed navel could mean the opposite, searching for spiritual meaning in the exterior world, a pantheistic view. In either case the “innie” would be the more desirable. Not only is it generally a more comfortable navel to have, as most of us that posses them know, but in a sense, doesn't having one make us less damned for not being born having the sign of seeking those material things that exist apart from the soul. In any case, most intellectuals agree that the question of “innies” and “outies” will not be resolved until more significant issues are addressed.

....okay I wasn't looking at the belly button on this one.

The arguments of Pre, Mid, and Post-Umbilisists are rich in theory and for the most part, lack any original fact. Until the last century the exact location of the Garden of Eden was unknown. Now that archeologists and sociologists have reached a consensus on deliberating the origins of human life, perhaps we are closer to the day when carbon dating, and geological testing can give us some tangible evidence. We can only hope and wait for that great day when the announcement is made, “We have the lint ball! We have the lint ball!”


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Christian Swinging *Glory*

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalms 37:4

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VEGANS: Modern Day Witches!

VEGANS: Modern Day Witches!

Sermon by Brother Harry Hardwick,
11:00 A.M., Gold-Star Members Service, Main Sanctuary

Friends, you needn’t be nostalgic for your mind to occasionally wander back to a better time - a time when the world was far less complicated, when morality reigned supreme, when life was just a whole lot easier and more care-free. I am, of course, referring to the late 1600’s. Lucifer was easier to spot back in those days even though the people were simple-minded - even more simple-minded than the current American public when it comes to justifications for war. Satan’s minions were easy to locate. They looked, acted and spoke differently than anyone else. Their slimy, pickle-colored, wart-ridden skin, enormous noses and jutting chins, web-like, matted hair and sickly demeanor led folks to know instantly what they were -- witches! Front porch cauldrons of bubbling fluid containing the most disgusting insects and rodents imaginable made the home of a witch easy to locate. And the incessant rhyming of incantations made the voice of a witch easy to identify, particularly since there were no rap singers back then. A True Christian™ could spot a witch a mile away. An even better Christian could strike one with a flaming arrow from the same distance. All it took was a few wooden stakes, some rope and a torch, and the devil was defeated for yet another day.

Things aren’t so simple any more. Witches have learned a lot since the days of the Puritans. They’ve learned that if they show their hideous faces in public, it won’t just be their warts we burn off. So, they’ve had to go undercover in their efforts to recruit the weak-willed to the service of their master in Hell. To induce these naïve innocents to join their filthy cult, they have been forced to come up with a politically correct justification for their association. They have had to conceal the real purpose of their late-night meetings, when they cast spells on the vulnerable, brew hideous potions, and sacrifice infants to the devil. They have had to come up with a modern message that will be attractive to the weak-kneed while not raising the ire of True Christians™ that much. That message is called “vegetarianism.” Today’s witches are called “vegans.”

One needn’t look any further than Christ’s words to see that so-called “vegans” are nothing more than sorcerers and demons, mocking God while spitting on His Son’s final supper. They know God loves meat and has ordered us to eat as much of it as we can. So they poke fun at the Lord with slogans like “Meat is murder” and by insisting their members abstain from consuming anything that comes from an animal. Jesus warned us about these diabolical cretins. Turn your Bibles to First Timothy, chapter 4, verses 1 through 3 and recite along with me:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

I don’t know how Jesus could have warned us any more directly about these devils. They try to hide behind phrases like “animal lover” and “animal rights advocate.” That is devil-speak if I ever heard it! The Bible makes clear that God created animals for one purpose only - our nutritional and intestinal satisfaction. Just as God created woman solely to be the servant of man, meaning women are to obey their husbands at all times, keep their mouths shut in church and never teach (1 Timothy 2:11-15; Ephesians 5:22-24), so, too, God created animals so we would have something to fill our stomachs with after a hard day’s work. God told us long before He used Mary to incubate His son: “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you” (Genesis 9:3). Every moving thing - not just the ugly ones, not just the dumb ones, like chickens and fish. Every living thing. The most beautiful fawn, the most prized heifer, the most graceful swan, the cutest bunny rabbit. According to God, they’re all nothing more than sausage fodder!

When the apostle, Peter, woke up hungry, what did God give him to eat? Not a pansy platter of carrot sticks, lettuce leaves and orange slices. He gave him every type of four-footed beast on the earth and every fowl of the air, telling him, “Rise, Peter, kill, and eat” (Acts 10:9-13). When Cain and Abel offered gifts to the Lord, Abel gave the Lord the fat he cut off the hides of his flock whereas Cain gave the Lord a fruit and vegetable tray. The Lord loved Abel’s offering of something that would stick to His holy ribs and despised Cain’s lesser offering of mere produce. Cain became jealous and murdered the brother with the superior gift-giving eye (Genesis 4:3-8). This was the first, but my no means the last, human murder committed by these vegans a/k/a witches a/k/a wiccans.

But add another a/k/a to that list - homos. You see, veganism offers a place of solace for sodomites every bit as attractive as a Catholic confessional. Fruits and vegetables are what housewives and sissies on Weight Watchers eat, whereas meat, cheese and butter are what real men eat. If every meal you eat doesn’t contain something that lives in, or comes out of something that lives in, a barn, you aren’t a real man. Jesus warned us that the men who would one day call themselves “vegans” are nothing more than nancy-boys looking for refuge somewhere. “For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs” (Romans 14:2). Just take a look at these losers - thin as a rail, pale as a ghost. The kind of men we used to beat up every day at school. If you asked any one of them, he would probably admit he supports feminism. The only protein these marys consume was created for a completely different purpose, the misuse of which is precisely what got Onan struck dead by God.

Watch out for these witches and fairies, my friends, for in today’s world of ailing morality, they are everywhere. They protest outside leather shops. They ruin other people’s valuable winter coats by hurling buckets of blood on unsuspecting ladies. And they try to destroy the cattle industry with their left-wing talk shows. If you spot one of these demons, detain it and, when you’re through roasting that side of beef you’re having for dinner, replace that meat on the skewer with the heathen, and help restore a long-missed moral tradition.


Looking for Real Truth? LINK

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

God Has Zero Tolerance for Wicca!

God Has Zero Tolerance for Wicca!

Ban WICCANS From Your Community NOW! Before They Take Your Children!

A TYPICAL WICCAN!  READ MORE ABOUT THESE CREATURES!The Freehold, Iowa Town Hall voted unanimously this week to enact a zero-tolerance Bible-based ban on Wicca. "Like the hyena and the dog, the Wiccan will mark its territory by urinating or squatting down its MORBIDLY OBESE RUMP and defecating onto the sacred cold ground of any church cemetery near a Burger King™," Pastor Deacon Fred told members of town council. "I tell you this!" he further stated, "You'll know when you stumble upon gooey pile of stinky Wicca dung! There is not enough turpentine in this county to wash their godless poop from the soles of our expensive shoes! It's time we take a stand against these animals, and rid our community of their abhorrent presence once and for all!"

Related Articles:

· Wiccans Lust for Christian Blood!
· What Causes a Wiccan?
· Wiccans Found Dead in Dumpster
· Halloween Tips for Holyweeners
· Our Interactive Hell House
· Holy Ghost Halloween Costumes!
· Suffer Not a Witch to Live!
· Scooby Doo and the Occult
· Organize a Book Burning!
· The Blair Witch Project Review
· If Your Child Was Born on 666
· Holy Ghost Haunts Old Mansion!
· Can Demons Posses Animals?
· Even Chickens Can Get Demons!
· Vegans: Modern Day Witches!
· Halloween Kiddy Sermon
· True Christian™ Halloween Masks
· Harry Potter and the Occult
· Audio Sermons on Halloween
The Landover Center for Occult Research is assisting members of our local Christian community by posting a list of activities associated with Wicca. "If you see anyone engaging in these activities, you have Jesus' permission to fire a warning round of buckshot into the hiney of the nearest gelatinous glob of cellulite sacrilege you see! (but don't aim for Sister Hardwick! She's on God's team!)," Demon Hunter, Pastor Mitch Walker told a crowd of concerned citizens with torches gathered together in the church cemetery for prayer last Tuesday before a fun filled night of Wiccan hunting.


Monday, September 26, 2011



"Godly tips and advice on how to rid your decent Christian community of meddlesome Wiccans!"

Arlington: St. John the Apostle Pumpkin Patch

Angela Patterson

What: Pumpkins with a mission. This year St. John the Apostle United Methodist Church will be celebrating it's 13th annual Pumpkin Patch. The proceeds from this patch are used to support our youth summer mission trips.

When: October 2-31, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: 5450 Mansfield Rd, Arlington, TX 76017.

Trunk or Treat

Monday, October 31

6:00 – 7:30 pm

Church Parking Lot

A safe & fun alternative to Trick-Or-Treat

Meet us in the SJA parking lot for fellowship, decorating cars, and treat!

Saint John the Apostle Church of Perpetual Motion

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cooking with Lady Gaza

Cooking with Lady Gaza

"Greetings, my fellow computer-owning Christians — and even all you unsaved techno-trash out there who will read any blog in order to avoid doing your little job. My name is Mrs. Betty Bowers and — as you already know — I'm America's Best Christian. While some might regard such a seemingly lofty title somewhat onerous to live up to, both piety and superiority are completely effortless to me, which is, no doubt, why I was conferred such an honor in the first place.

As an American Christian, I have devoted my life to hectoring my Invisible Savior with requests for lots of cool stuff. It's a time-consuming hobby I call "prayer." I lob assertive hints into passing cloud formations for better promotions, bigger cars, smaller hips, higher game scores and more luxurious luxury goods. This is all necessary because my Savior is infuriatingly forgetful and will otherwise squander attention on the much more easily satisfied so-called "needy." When not asking for things from Jesus, I tirelessly devoted myself to wringing every last dollar out of His name that is humanly possible without risking my tax-free status, appearing without undergarments on YouTube or becoming a Catholic."

America's Best Christian - Gospel of America

Greetings, my fellow computer-owning Christians — and even all you unsaved techno-trash out there who will read any blog in order to avoid doing your little job. My name is Mrs. Betty Bowers and — as you already know — I'm America's Best Christian.

Apostolic Hellhouse

During the month of October, when Catholics are preparing to celebrate Satan's Birthday on October 31st, the
21st Century Apostolic Church® will be running our 77th annual Hell House. This year, folks are expected to arrive from all 50 states. They will wait for hours in line to visit 12 horrific rooms in a Haunted Cathedral that once served as a demonic house of worship for Catholics in the latter part of this century. Below is the offical floor plan for 21st Century Apostolic's Hell House. It is completely interactive. Click on a demon red room number and a description will pop up like a skeleton!

The Church of Mary Queen of the Universe and Blessed

The Church of Mary Queen of the Universe and Blessed Domineering Mother of God Cathedral was purchased by The Landover Baptist Church in 1901. It is declared to be haunted by pedophile priests and aborted fetuses of long dead nuns who walked the unholy grounds for a hundred years. This is the first time our church has used the abandoned cathedral for our annual Hell House. It seemed the best choice. What more frightening place could there be than a Catholic Church? Godly Christian youths made the exterior of the Hell House look more authentic by spray painting "False Idol" on all the statues of saints. We have pried open the esophagi of the dead Catholic monks buried in the basement just to give the kiddies a jolt by seeing one of them dead Catholics. The entrance fee this year is $75.00 per unsaved person with a money back guarantee if you don't come out with your pants wet and a born-again experience.

Society to Cure Ailing Morality - SCAM

Last week, the Society to Cure Ailing Morality published the results of its six month investigation into the historical and contemporary connection between homosexuality and the Catholic "Church." SCAM was established by internationally renown Christian advice columnist, Mrs. Betty Bowers, and international financier, Brother Harry Hardwick, both Gold Star Landover members. Bowers & Hardwick established SCAM two years ago to isolate the causes of today's immorality and to discover ways to eradicate those causes. SCAM focused its attention on the Catholic/homo link not merely based on the obvious similarities between the two groups in terms of ideology and practice but also in light of a recent verdict in Dallas, Texas in which jurors found the archdiocese there liable for over $100 million for a priest's long-term molestation of numerous boys and the "church's" decision to turn a blind eye to the conduct, as well as the long-term refusal of a Louisiana archdiocese to expel a priest who admitted to molesting over 50 boys.

SCAM's 500-plus-page report describes the undeniable relationship between Catholicism and sodomy in painstaking, gruesome detail. What is most surprising, however, is the conclusion the investigation generated. "Well, naturally, we were not surprised by the inextricable connection between homosexuality and Catholicism," reported Bowers. "But we had assumed, just like the rest of the world, that there had been no homosexuality before the Roman Catholic "church." All the scholarly journals we had read maintained that the papists invented sodomy, and then posthumously defamed the Greeks, just to shift blame. But once we scratched below the gilded surface of this cult of fairies, we were shocked to find the converse. It seems that Roman Catholics had incorporated preexisting homosexual rituals into the Catholic traditions, like wearing dresses with fabulous, ornamental sashes and keeping catamites. Who knew?"

As the SCAM report reveals, Bowers' and Hardwick's investigation was exhaustive. These two dedicated servants of Christ interviewed countless former Catholics who somehow managed to escape the tyrannical grip of Rome. They also interviewed less fortunate individuals who remain Catholic whom they found late at night in bathhouses, adult book stores and highway rest stops. But perhaps their greatest challenge concerned their decision to conclude their research by traveling straight into the bowels of Satan's home on Earth -- Vatican City. "Before the trip, I told my wife, Heather, where all the life insurance and trust papers were located," Hardwick reported. "I told her how much I love her and asked her to pray that Betty and I would somehow survive this trip and return home with our Christianity in tact. Having both been Christians since a very young age, Betty and I had no idea what to expect."

Bowers & Hardwick knew that the information most important to their investigation was contained in the Vatican archives. Aside from maintaining their saved status, their most daunting challenge was gaining entry into the archives vault. Fortunately, both Landover members are on the board of directors of one of the world's leading anti-abortion groups, Humans Against Needless Gynecological Resection. HANGR has numerous Catholic members, for some inexplicable reason. "The Catholics have never been on solid Biblical ground," mused Bowers. "I mean, if any of them actually own a Bible, they show no signs of ever having picked it up and read it. As a devout Fundamentalist Baptist, I have nothing against picking and choosing which Bible verses to pay attention to, but Catholics are like Jehovah's Witnesses -- they just make it up as they go along. Well, at least they don't knock on your door during dinner. Anyway, they're violently opposed to killing children, yet seem to have no objection to priests molesting them. But then again, they are harvesting them for molestation later, so I guess that makes sense." In addition to revealing their status as directors of HANGR to "church" officials, Bowers & Hardwick wore buttons proclaiming: "I SAW THE FACE OF THE VIRGIN MARY IN AN ENCHILLADA IN MEXICO." They were immediately granted permission to explore the archives and the gates to the Vatican were opened in their honor.

Upon entering Satan's playground, Bowers & Hardwick were shocked beyond belief. "It was worse than any nightmare, worse than any horror film, worse than anything in Revelation," reported Hardwick. "There were hundreds of idols and icons everywhere -- statues of mortals with a multitude of Catholics kneeling before the granite and praying to false gods. Some even kissed the rocks. Such brazen defiance of God's word! It was as though these Catholics had looked right into the face of Jesus and spit. I stopped to rebuke several candle-lighters and Betty was moved by Jesus to righteously slap some Italian woman wearing a doily on her head to stop her from slobbering on an apostle's foot. Pansy priests pranced around in hideous dresses, all of which were black, Satan's favorite color." Bowers was as horrified by the artwork as she was by the effeminate clergy. "Now, no one would accuse me of not enjoying a feminine flourish in every room, but the whole Vatican looked like it had been whomped up by some New Jersey florist who had just won the lottery. Las Vegas looks downright Mies van der Rohe by comparison! It was so shockingly over-the-top. And whoever St. Peter's uses as its interior decorator had picked the most nefarious pieces. There were subliminal appeals to the devil lurking on every wall. By the time we exited the devil's palace, I had seen the winking face of Lucifer no less than 200 times."

What Bowers & Hardwick saw was not nearly as disturbing as what their research through the archives revealed. Charter documents written on cloth scrolls reveal that the Catholic "Church" was created shortly after the death and resurrection of our Savior by a group of homo ministers who had been expelled from Christian churches in Italy. These sodomites sought refuge from constant condemnation but wished to remain ministers, practicing the sins of Sodom in secret. Thus began what is now the Catholic "Church." The scrolls reveal that the founders chose to name their new "religion" using terms of ancient Greece, the birthplace of contemporary homosexuality. Those terms were "Cathos" and "licos." The founders surmised that most people would not know what these terms meant. However, a linguistic institute specializing in ancient Greek has confirmed to SCAM that the term, "Cathos," to put it delicately, refers to the male genitalia. "Licos" means to place the tongue upon and lick greedily. Thus, the Catholic "Church" was named after the very deviance so many of its members publicly condemn yet privately practice. Perhaps the greatest insult to our Savior was the suggestion by these depraved creatures that theirs was a Christian religion. So incensed were all other "Christian" churches of the time that they engaged in a unified opposition to the Catholics and were thus later referred to as "Protestants."

The documents in the archives reveal that the expelled ministers turned many of their queer characteristics into integral parts of the new "church." Since most of the founders were cross-dressers, the official attire of the ministers, now called "priests," was a long, sleak dress, later renamed "robe." The most effeminate drag, of course, was reserved for the head homo, called "pope." His/her outfit includes a long, flowing gown and a tall, pointed hat which constitutes the ultimate phallic symbol. Because the priests, like all homos, had an affinity for pretty things, the Vatican, and later all Catholic churches, were loaded with enormous statues, stained glass, golden goblets and gaudy artwork. And since homosexuality is synonymous with alcoholism, the priests made spirits, specifically wine, the official drink of the "church."

So desperate was their need to retain their homo roots that the founders were willing to defy God's word in order to preserve their depraved lifestyle. We all know queers revere and adore striking women, like Barbra, Diana, Judy and Liza. The original Catholics experienced the same need and consequently made the Virgin Mary the diva of their religion, with God subordinated to a far lesser role. But the most appalling act by the Catholic founders was to distort God's word to conceal their fagotry. The original priests knew fully well that they and their successors would spend their lives boinking boys with nary an eye raised toward women. While the buggery could be kept secret, the absence of any relationship with women would be apparent. Hence, the founders inserted in the church charter a proviso stating that priests were not to marry or become sexually involved with women, but were instead to spend their time in the "church" with young males called "altar boys." A separate proviso satisfied early priests' desire to live vicariously through the deviant conduct of their parishioners by stating that all church members must describe their immoral acts in detail to their priests in order to be forgiven by God. The text of these provisos actually says that they are the will of God, even though no such ridiculous edicts appear anywhere within the Bible, Old or New Testament. These demons were not beyond practicing blasphemy to conceal and promote their debauchery.

The above homosexual qualities, condoned and indeed sanctioned by the Catholic "Church," were qualities with which Bowers & Hardwick became familiar not only based on their reading of archive documents but also from conversations they reluctantly initiated with their decorators, hair stylists and florists. However, one sexual expression which originated in the first Catholic "churches" involved disgusting conduct which neither Bowers nor Hardwick could discuss with anyone. Vatican documents reveal that early priests drilled holes in the dividing walls of confessional booths utilized by altar boys. Through these holes, the boys would "service" the priests in a somewhat anonymous manner so the priests would feel less guilty. Afterward, because the boys had sinned, the priests would instruct them to recite a prayer of the rosary 100 times. The prayer most often assigned was "Glory to the Father," hence the holes became known as "glory holes" for short.

Bowers & Hardwick discovered that the Catholic/homo connection does not merely exist in cosmopolitan areas but has even affected Freehold's Our Lady of Perpetual Inanity. Bowers & Hardwick visited the church during a men's prayer session, which apparently is the Catholic version of Promise Keepers. They knew instantly the "church" was a homo establishment since only half those assembled were kneeling. What Bowers & Hardwick sought to determine was how Sister Saphron, a bride of Satan from the neighboring convent, became pregnant during the previous Spring. The archbishop's claim of immaculate conception just did not seem plausible. Through conversations with the members (when they had returned to a vertical position), Bowers & Hardwick discovered that Sister Saphron had agreed to serve food and wine to the priests of the congregation during one of Father Peter's Friday fish fries. While preparing to serve, Sister Saphron spilled some of the "blood of Christ" on her habit. The only outfit nearby in her size was an altar boy's uniform. She changed into that, served the priests and . . . well, the rest Bowers & Hardwick merely surmised.

This article reports but a tiny fraction of the data cited by Bowers & Hardwick in the SCAM report. Copies of the complete report will be available at next Sunday's services at all entrances to the main sanctuary. Bowers & Hardwick have begun organizing a global protest to the demonic Catholic cult. They have already begun protesting locally. Last Sunday, both members' children joined hands and displayed a giant banner outside Our Lady of Perpetual Inanity which read: "JUST SAY NO TO ALL MARY-LOVING, INCENSE-BURNING, APPARITION-SEEING, CANDLE-LIGHTING, MACKAREL-SNAPPING, ALTAR BOY-BANGING IDOL WORSHIPERS!"


Christian Hell Houses Crash Satan's Birthday Party:HALLOWEEN!


Halloween Reclamation in the Name of Jesus Christ!  Click Here to Learn About Satan's Modern Servants: The WiccansJesus Orders All Who Love Him to Crash Satan's Birthday Party:HALLOWEEN!

Our amazing and helpful Halloween links teach you how to protect your Christian family from the coming demonic onslaught of skateboarding Wiccans, Devil Worshippers, abortion sponsoring candy companies and general hellish mayhem that surrounds the most evil day of the year: HALLOWEEN: Satan's Birthday!

Spooky Holy Ghost is Scaring the Devil Out of Children this Halloween!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ladies Ambush Frumpy Pentecostals with Emergency Makeovers

Last Friday, with the Lord's blessing and under stealth of night, several members of the Ladies of Landover, accompanied by six certified cosmetologists from the Landover Baptism & Beauty Spa, kicked the door in on Freehold’s notorious United Pentecostal Holiness Church, surprising 12 dowdy housewives busy in prayer. The Godly group from Landover immediately wrestled the startled Pentecostal women to the floor and proceeded to give each of them a vigorous comb-out and a depilatory beauty treatment in a last-ditch effort to make the women more pleasing to the Lord.

"These Pentecostal nuts have it in their heads that the Bible tells them not to shave any hair on their body," said Judy O'Christian, who was placed in charge of the critical "Mustache-Bleaching" operation. "One of those gals looked like a Yellowstone grizzly bear in a caftan. We could have made a pile of Rubles selling her to the Moscow circus. Now, I have as much respect for other folks' religious beliefs as anyone. That is, unless they conflict with my Baptist beliefs. Then, they are just thumbing their hairy noses at the Lord."

Mrs. Betty Bowers, who was in Ravello, Italy, had suggested that the ladies of her church get together and forcibly groom the town's Pentecostal women. "It's like I always say," remarked the chic Mrs. Bowers, "since we are created in God's image, if we don't look good, He doesn't look good. Only Jesus can save those tounge-talking frumps from Hell, but we can at least save them from looking like Hell in the meantime. True, the Lord said that long hair is a glory for women. But, I ask you, since when would any sane women take hairstyling tips from someone who wasn't a practicing homosexual?"

“I brought an Epilady, a dozen rolls of duct tape and a diesel Toro Weedwacker I borrowed from the yard help,” noted Mrs. Heather Hardwick. “To be honest, we should have brought a dog groomer and a machete because I ruined 18 Lady Bics trying to hack through legs that looked like shag rugs.” At approximately 7 p.m., after the Baptist ladies burst into the meeting hall wearing pink gas-masks, the Pentecostals were enveloped in a cloud of animal tranquilizer gas. “My job was to sit right on the chest area of any Amazon woman who came to while Taffy and the folks from the spa did their magic,” noted Mrs. Hardwick. “One of the girls I pinned down fought me so fiercely to get free that I think I still have rope burn on my derriere from her hairy arms.”

“I was in charge of the upper regions," noted Sister Taffy, "whereas Ima Jean and the other girls handled the southern, more icky, sections of the women. Not that their upper regions were a picnic, mind you! Styling the matted hair on their heads was like trying to comb a wild, wet English sheepdog. Fortunately, I brought my sterling cake-knife. And I severely burned several foreheads poking about with hot curlers just trying to find where the hairline was going to end up! Honestly, the dividing line between hair and face was so blurred, one of them looked exactly like Eddy Munster!”

Ima Jean Hasgrove’s job was even less pleasant. “When we removed their inexpensive undergarments, I was shocked to see that this 'no shaving hair' nonsense included their most private of areas. Several of them looked like they had black macramé plant holders dangling between their legs! What was under the first dress we pulled up reminded me of those pictures of that Jewish woman, Dr. Laura,” she observed, recoiling somewhat. “Without sending in search parties, the only way you'd be able to tell where the opening was was if a baby stuck its head out of that mess and started screaming! I used three 32-ounce bottles of Nair on the first gal’s left inner thigh. And her kneecaps still looked like they were covered with brown flocked wallpaper.”

Mrs.O’Christian went from lady to lady with tape and hot wax, tearing off sideburns, mustaches and unsightly unibrows. “I used enough wax on one of those Big Foots to keep a Catholic cathedral in candles for a year!" laughed Mrs. O'Christian, sharpening her sheers. "She kept screaming, 'I'm charismatic, I'm charismatic!’ I said, ‘Honey, maybe you will be when we get through with you, but right now you're enough to make Bill Clinton celibate.’”

Eventually, when the job was done, the ladies gathered up the excess hair from the parking lot. “We’ll put it in large bags and label it ‘Italian,’” noted Sister Taffy. “It’ll bring two or three thousand dollars at the Hair Club for Men, which we can use for some Bible tracts attacking some of these girls' other beliefs.” As the ladies left, Betty Jean Searcy opened the cage she had kept hidden under a towel and called back her two trained mongooses. “This was just a precaution,” she noted, “in case they’d been having one of those reptile charming sessions during services that evening. After going to all this trouble to voluntarily help them, a snake bite would have been a fine 'thank you!'”


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Arizona church is house of prostitution, police say

Arizona church is house of prostitution, police say

September 09, 2011|By Michael Martinez, CNN

A church called the Phoenix Goddess Temple has been accused of being a house of prostitution, and a six-month undercover investigation has resulted in the arrests of 20 women and men who worked there, Phoenix police said Friday

Authorities are still searching for 17 more people -- all of whom have been indicted -- in connection with the prostitution enterprise, said Sgt. Steve Martos, a Phoenix police spokesman. The 20 people arrested so far have been charged with prostitution or other offenses, police said. During a Wednesday search of the Phoenix temple and two church-related sites in nearby Sedona, police seized evidence showing that "male and female 'practitioners' working a t the Temple were performing sexual acts in exchange for monetary 'donations,' all on the pretense of providing 'neo tantric' healing therapies," Phoenix police said.The alleged brothel generated tens of thousands of dollars a month, Martos told CNN.

A history of neighbor complaints, a recent Phoenix newspaper article, and the temple's website were among the factors prompting authorities to conduct the undercover investigation, Martos said.

"What's unusual is that they were trying to hide behind religion or church, and under the guise of religious freedom, they were committing acts of prostitution," Martos said.

"We certainly respect First Amendment rights. However, religious freedom does not allow for criminal acts," Martos said.

Associate Pastor, Brother Donavan Hardwick has answered countless questions about the whores in the church, stated: “Preachers have been pimping the word of God for years, our church is full of women and men who have sold their souls all for the almighty buck all under the guise of religion calling it tithing, look at Bro. Creflo, he changed his name to money. Why anyone would be upset with a few dozen religious brothers and sisters making an honest living is beyond me. Glory.”

Regarding the Goddess Temple's website, he said: "What they would talk about would seem to be religion. At the same time, they were implying or intimating that they were giving sex therapy."

The website says at one point: "Sex is a holy, sacred and divine healing force at the core (of) our beings. Once we embrace this force instead of deny it, we become successful, happy and powerful manifestors."

The website also features unclothed women, listed as residing in several states, under a "Goddesses" section.

The investigation focused on the alleged crimes, said acting Phoenix Police Chief Joe Yahner.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery added in a statement: "Freedom of religion does not allow individuals to trade sex for money, no matter how the transaction is portrayed."

The alleged madam, Tracy Elise, who is in her 50s, was arrested and charged with prostitution, illegal control of an enterprise, pandering, and operating a house of prostitution, police said.


A full investigation into the lewd cartoon character, Sponge Bob, Square Pants

Pastor Exposes Perverted Little Cartoon Character

Pastor Exposes Perverted Little Cartoon Character
Freehold, Iowa - (April 2003) Complete shock filled the Landover Baptist main sanctuary last Sunday as Pastor Deacon Fred revealed in graphic detail, decadent hidden sexual messages in the popular cartoon series, Sponge Bob, Square Pants™. Mrs. Ida Denkins, who was seated in the first pew, fainted in the middle of the presentation and had to be rushed to Landover Baptist Hospital. Church usher, Bob Halburg, had an immediate reaction to the slide show that went straight to his stomach. He vomited so forcefully that pieces of his steaming breakfast were sprayed across nearly 15 pews. All total, at least two-dozen church members became physically ill after being exposed to the disgusting garbage that Hollywood is pumping into our children’s heads.
“I found out about this disgusting little yellow cartoon character, quite by accident,” said Pastor Deacon Fred. “I was laying on the couch with my grandson, and must have fallen asleep, so he was unmonitored in front of the television set. When I woke up, my head had leaned back over the side of the couch. My neck was craned in such a way that I was looking at the television set upside down. I reacted immediately to what I saw there, and was able to flip over and grab my grandson by his hair and fling him across the room, thankfully, knocking him unconscious long enough for me to get to the remote control and switch back to Fox news, where they were showing Godly footage of our Christian troops blowing up ignorant Arabiacs. I have no idea how much mental damage my grandson suffered while he was exposed to that cartoon show while I was asleep, but I’ll tell you what, I won’t hesitate to sue the bastards that put this junk on TV if we find out anything happened to my grandson!”
Pastor explained to the congregation that he ordered a team of Creation Scientists, led by Dr. Jonathan Edwards, to spare no expense on opening up a full investigation into the lewd cartoon character, Sponge Bob, Square Pants™. “I ordered our Christian team not to stop their investigation until they pulled out every single lewd, disgusting, sexual reference in the cartoon,” said Pastor.
The two-hour slide presentation seen on Sunday morning was the result of an investigation that lasted nearly six months. The full findings of that investigation cannot be revealed on this public web site, since there is currently a pending lawsuit between the Landover Baptist Church and the Nickelodeon Channel. We can however, say that most of what we found is too shocking for words. Innocent little Christian children might be reading this article and they should not be exposed to the decadent smut of Sponge Bob, Square Pants™, anymore than they already have been.
“From what we’ve found,” says Dr. Edwards, “is that we have what appears to be a little yellow sponge who talks like a pervert. When you turn it upside down, there are two unmistakable testicles and a semi-erect penis hanging from its face. Thank Jesus that children are not watching this program standing on their heads, or we’d all be in trouble.” Dr. Edwards also revealed that the entire cartoon series has houses, plants, animals, and demon-like creatures (most of which are shaped like sex organs) floating around, talking nonsense. “One purple penis shaped creature even moans and giggles uncontrollably whenever he sees one of his ‘pals,’ like he is secretly masturbating himself to them.” Click here to listen, if you don’t believe it!
“As True Christians™, what we find most frightening is that for the most part, the majority of sex organs we’ve found in the cartoon, can only be seen upside down,” continued Dr. Edwards. We played several sound tracks for the show backwards as well, and it’s all demon talk.” True Christians™ know that one of Satan’s favorite ways of communicating to his followers is to do things backwards, and upside down. “We know this from our studies of Satanism, but we had no idea that it was being used in the media – especially in children’s cartoons.”
“Is it okay for a person to take off their pants and walk around upside down so that his penis and testicles look like his nose and eyes? NO! So why should we allow a cartoon character to do the same thing while standing right side up? It’s ludicrous!” said Pastor Deacon Fred. “There is no doubt that we need to put a stop to this so-called, Sponge Bob, and his Square Penis. If we don’t, we'll soon be coming home to houses full of children, stripped of their clothes, hand walking around the living room spitting gibberish! We’ve already got our lawyers preparing a lawsuit.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Women Probably Don't Have Souls!

Women Probably Don't Have Souls!


Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards, announced findings related to his research into the female soul early this week. "The absence of either salvation or condemnation for women finds extensive support in the Word of God." He reported. "Jesus said that the sole reason God created women in the first place was to provide company and service to men (1 Corinthians 11:9), God determined that men would be lonely living alone, so he created women purely to keep men company and serve their needs (Genesis 2:18-22). Women are therefore completely subordinate to men (1 Corinthians 11:3). It stands to reason, though, that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be one with God, and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship. Thus, the reason behind having women will no longer exist. Women, like the members of the animal kingdom, will fall by the wayside."

Dr. Edwards went on to say that, "once men reunite with their maker, they will no longer be burdened with the care of women. After all, women were inferior creations from the start. Women are fond of self-indulgence (Isaiah 32:9-11). They are silly and easily led into error (2 Timothy 3:6). They are subtle and deceitful (Proverbs 7:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26). They are zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry (Jeremiah 7:18; Ezekiel 13:17, 23). And they are active in instigating to iniquity (Numbers 31:15-16; 1 Kings 21:25; Nehemiah 13:26). It was the inherent weakness of women that led them to be deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14). Consequently, women were cursed from the start (Genesis 3:16). There is simply no room in heaven for such flawed and inadequate beings."

Pastor Deacon Fred warned the congregation that there was no reason to be alarmed. "Dr. Edwards' Godly and anointed conclusions still need to be formalized by the Board of Deacons," he assured. "I am certain that our team of religious experts will find some way to tippy-toe around these Scriptures."

Some of the women present to hear the report were visibly shaken. A teary eyed Sister Taffy Crockett said through choked sobs, "I've heard of colored women not having souls... but me? NO! This is outrageous!"

Pastor did have some comforting words for the ladies of Landover. "I personally want to assure all female members of this church that until we examine Dr. Edwards' research to our complete satisfaction, consider yourselves saved until further notice."


Does Jesus Watch Me Go Poopy?

"True Christian™, Pastor Deacon Fred from Landover Baptist Church, the largest baptist church online, answers a question from a young believer, God bless her."

Modern Hallelujah Yahweh dances proven to be ancient devil-snake dance:?

Warning: This is one very misinformed and confused Preacher of Twistianity "Reaching The Nations With The Messianic Judaism Of Jesus Messieh Heresy teaching the "Apostolic Church is the Israel of God" ??? i.e. Replacement Theology Heresy


What is Yahwehism?

It is a modern cult movement based upon the erroneous pronunciation of the name of God taken from the tetragrammaton YHWH.

What is the tetragrammaton?

It is the four Aramaic letters you see in the background of this page. These letters ARE NOT HEBREW! They are from the Babylonian alphabet known as Aramaic. The Jews borrowed this Babylonian/Syrian alphabet while in Babylon from 587BC to around 200BC. It replaced the ancient Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.

Yahwehism may be found among trinitarians, twinitarians, and oneness. They all have in common the belief that the name Jesus is derived from the name of the pagan Greek god Zeus. In recanting and denying the name of Jesus, these substitute the name Yahweh. Some will say the name Yahweh is the name of God the Father and Yahshua is the name of God the Son. Some will say there is no salvation in the name of Jesus or Yahshua, and only in the name Yahweh.

Read About the origin of an idol god, CLICK HERE

To read more about the sacred name click here.

Modern Hallelujah Yahweh dances proven to be ancient devil-snake dance:

Hallelujah More Facts

set up snake dancing disguised as worship to God,

the dance;

the dance witchcraft style;

the dance Jewish Sephardic style;

Greek circle snake dance

the hallelujah Yahweh dance;

You can now hallelujah dance with the devil in many Yahweh worship groups. This is nothing but ancient Baal worship revived through trinitarian Messianic synagouges. Just because reprobate Jews do the dance does not make it holy and of God. These pagan circle dances are no where found in the Bible. They certainly are not found in the New Testament. Jesus and his Apostles did not do circle dances. The early Church did not do circle dances. I warn all of you, do not partake in these demonic circle hallelujah dances I do not care who puts them on or what meeting or church they are done at. I tell all of you again, get out of those Yahweh groups and repent of the lies they have fed you. Give up the hatred they have put in you against the name of Jesus. I have warned all of you these past 16 years since November 1994. I warn you again, if you allow the Yahwehites to deceive you with their lies, they will get you to accept devil circle dances. If you do these dances, you will experience more and more demons in your life. Do not do it! Do not do any hallelujah dances no matter who jumps out and starts shaking, jerking, and doing a circle jig.

Yahweh of Samaria


Yahweh is a pagan name

The Hallelu-yah god

YAH gods Fighting

Did John write "alleluia"?

If you have comments on the studies you can post a message on our forum page.


We are the 21st Century Apostolic Messianic Jewish Church where all Worthwhile Truly Saved® Christians Worship. *Unsaved are not welcome (As Jesus Commanded)* - 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 Our Church replaced unbelieving Israel and we Christians are the Jews of God

The Plan of New Covenant Salvation is found in Acts 2:38. There is no other plan given in the New Testament! Glory!

We Believe in the WHOLE Bible (1611 KJV) from the Septuagint Greek Version of the Scriptures made about 280BC and used by Jesus and the Apostles. Proof # 2 : (questionable)

Modern Hallelujah Yahweh dances proven to be ancient devil-snake dance:?