Tuesday, September 4, 2012

US Disowns Israel Over Iran Strike: Christians Prepare for The Rapture

US Disowns Israel Over Iran Strike: Christians Prepare for The Rapture?
Is the Rapture a Biblical Doctrine?

US Disowns Israel Over Iran Strike: No Weapons Or Military Backup
US Gen. Martin Dempsey’s assertion Thursday, Aug. 30 that the US would not be “complicit” in an Israel strike against Iran, together with the drastic reduction in the scale of next month’s joint US-Israeli war game disclosed by TIME, add up to a blunt message from US President Barack Obama to Israel: 
You are on your own! See how you manage without special US weapons and US military backup, including a shield against missile counter-attack, if you decide to defy us and go through with a military operation against Iran.

Instead of the 5,000 US troops originally assigned for Austere Challenge 12, the annual joint exercise, the Pentagon will send only 1,200 to 1,500 service members.

The missile interception systems at the core of the joint exercise will be reduced in number and potency: Patriot anti-missiles will come without crews and maybe one instead of two Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense warships, according to the magazine.

debkafile’s military sources: The Obama administration has put Israel on harsh notice that an attack on Iran to disrupt or delay its nuclear armament will be refused US missile backup - both in the course of the operation and to cover Israel’s back in the event of a counter-strike widening into a general Middle East conflict.

The Netanyahu government will bear full and exclusive responsibility for the consequences of attacking Iran.

Obama, who has repeatedly pledged his commitment to Israeli security, is the first American president to cut Israeli adrift against a major threat to its security explicitly posed by Iran.

The US president has put his campaign for reelection next month at great albeit calculated risk. His rival Mitt Romney will not doubt follow up on the charges he made during his acceptance speech to the Republican convention Thursday that Obama threw “allies like Israel under the bus” and failed utterly to stop Iran’s centrifuges spinning.

Obama may find the Jewish vote and campaign contributions fading. For Romney an incumbent president throwing Israel to the wolves against the ayatollahs is a dream come true.

Binyamin Netanyahu and his defense minister Ehud Barak must bear some of the onus for one of the most damaging ruptures US-Israel relations have ever faced - as will be discussed later. However, the prime cause must be sought elsewhere.

In the last month, Obama has undergone a change of face: The top US soldier and ambassador Dan Shapiro were told to start treating Israel like a pest and telling its leaders that the administration is fed to the teeth with their clamor for action on Iran.

This change did not come out of the blue. debkafile’s Washington and Moscow sources report it evolved from three events:

1. During this month, President Vladimir Putin severed Russia’s military ties with Iran and Syria as debkafile reported earlier: Obama reciprocated by cutting Israel down to size. Moscow informed Tehran and Damascus that there would be no more Russian arms supplies after the delivery of the last items in the pipeline.

Putin therefore left both Iran and Syria high and dry amid war dangers in return for Obama cutting Israel off from advance military hardware at a time of peril.

The Russian and American leaders thus put in place the first bricks of an accord for resolving their disputes over a nuclear Iran and the Syrian crisis by the device of slashing the military capacity of Iran, Israel and Syria.

The Russian president took another step as a gesture to Obama: He pulled Russian warships out of the Syrian base of Tartus and the eastern Mediterranean, leaving only a floating dry dock. In return, he counted on Washington forcing Israel to abandon any plans to strike Iran.

2. But this exercise in symmetrical reciprocity ran into a major snag: Obama found a tough nut in Jerusalem: Binyamin Netanyahu held out for a pledge of US military action against Iran as his price for holding back. Despite the massive pressure Obama threw at the Israeli government, both through the highest ranking US political and military channels and by mobilizing the government’s most vocal opponents and anti-war circles at home, Netanyahu and Barak did not budge.

They understood, despite Obama’s concealment, that the secret US-Russian deal would in fact preserve Iran’s nuclear program at a point at which Iran’s leaders could have a weapon assembled and unsheathed at any moment.

The also realized that as long as Israel’s military option against Iran was alive, the Obama-Putin deal was stuck, because both Iran’s Ali Khamenei and Syria’s Bashar Assad would likewise refuse to fall into line.

When Romney said he would give America’s friends “more loyalty” and Putin “a little less flexibility and more backbone,” he was referring to President Obama’s request from Putin on June 18, at the G20 conference in Mexico, for more time against his promise to the Russian leader of “more flexibility” later.

To keep his deal with Putin in motion, the US president will have to tighten his squeeze on Israel’s leaders to forego an attack on Iran.

3. The Netanyahu government, for its part, committed three tactical errors:

One: They dragged out the dialogue on Iran with the US administration for far too long - three years or more – and come away for it empty-handed. If their purpose was to persuade the United States to carry the can against Iran, as many Israelis believed, they failed.

No Israeli leader has the right to procrastinate to this extent on action affecting its fundamental security, if not existence. Netanyahu fell into the trap of crying wolf by shouting year after year that Iran must be stopped – and doing nothing.

Two: Israel’s deterrent capacity, already sapped by inaction, was further eroded by US General Martin Dempsey’s assertions that Israel lacks the capacity to destroy the Iranian nuclear program.

Three: They failed to act expeditiously to prevent the political opposition using a campaign against an attack on Iran as a stratagem for bringing the government down.

It has been four weeks since the former Mossad director Ephraim Halevi said that if he was an Iranian, he would be worried in the next twelve weeks.
That was on Aug. 2.

Thursday, Aug. 30, Halevi said: “It is important for Israel’s military threat to be credible.”

He was throwing down the gauntlet for Netanyahu and Barak to show they were serious about striking Iran – or else back down completely.

His timeline gives them another eight weeks to show their mettle. During that time, they will be under heavy bombardment from Washington. [1]

See: 'Media exaggerating US-Israel differences on Iran'

Comment from one of Gods own: “The word of God has now been fulfilled. All events leading to the Rapture have now taken place. The United States Gov's official stand is against Israel. The word of God declares that in that day, The time of the Rapture ALL NATIONS will turn against Israel. It doesn't say ALL but the U.S.A BUT ALL nations. Now the time of judgement begins in earnest.”????

That's right folks all the Christians are going to be zapped away in an instantaneous translocation of every single "Born Again Christian" on earth to Heaven?  or so they say....

For the 1,972nd Time, Jesus Forgets All About the Rapture
Local/National News
Freehold, Iowa - Hundreds of Landover members, young and old alike, gathered as they do each December 31st in the Landover Baptist Country Club's Cotton Mathers Presidential Ballroom for their annual rapture party. Those expectant churchgoers (exclusively gold and platinum tithers) who have been blessed enough to be able to afford the tickets are treated with the seven course, Your Last Supper on Earth dinner. This year, like every year, to honor conservative tradition, the succulent menu was taken directly from the endangered species list. A full menu of what was served during the five-star gala event can be read by clicking here.  “Since the Lord Jesus is going to fry up the whole world at midnight,” said Chef Pee-Air Watkins, while preparing the 8,900-calorie a ticket feast, “I’m not going to waste a lot of time worrying about whether table five just gulped down the last sea turtle in existence.”

For drinks,  the church served twenty-one cases of a 1967 Bordeaux that is rarer than the spotted owl heads used to garnish the melon ball platters.  Since there is a strict prohibition against imbibing liquor, church pastors prayed over each crate of the expensive French wine to remove all the alcohol – and the excess tannins that several of the ladies had complained about last year.  "The Bible tells us that we are not to be drunk (drink alcohol) until we get to Heaven,” said Pastor Deacon Fred. “We all know we'll have plenty of time to get drunk with the Lord Jesus at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb - as we understand it, the same rules apparently don't apply in Heaven, so wine will be served there and it would be rude to refuse it. After Jesus’ mother Mary kicked up such an embarrassing fuss about not having any more free booze at that wedding she dragged Jesus to, it’s a pretty safe bet that Jesus will keep the heavenly decanters topped off to avoid a similar scene in Glory" Deacon Fred added that the Lord Jesus is known for making some of the best wine in the universe. "My guess is that God's plan is that we all get drunk and just have a ton of laughs watching all those sinners with their heads on fire, bobbing up and down, yelping like helpless little doggies, paddling to stay afloat in the lake of fire. I get the giggles just thinking about it," he said.

Church members played advanced Bible charades and Pop the Pickaninny until about 11:45 p.m. After that, they gathered around the Giant Jesus Sky Drop outside the country club with the rest of the Baptists whom the Lord Jesus, for reasons of His own, didn’t entrust with financial blessings enough to be able to afford a ticket to the party . As usual, sister May Clark’s ten, spirited children counted down the minutes in song like a saved Von Trapp family until Rapture time. During these final moments, a giant paper mache Jesus was lowered slowly with each tick of the clock, from the construction crane high above Landover Towers.  (And, of course, residents of Landover Towers who hadn’t read their End Times Newsletter, once again, flooded the Freehold Police Department with complaints about “an enormous peeping tom Jesus.”)

"I guess everyone knows by now, Jesus was a no-show at this year's annual Rapture party, but we all had fun," said Pastor Deacon Fred the following Sunday. "I gotta tell you folks, we've got ourselves such a slice of Heaven on Earth here with this great church, frankly, I bet the Lord Jesus came down to fetch us, saw our many earthly blessings and ran back up to Glory trying to cook up a way to make Heaven even nicer – worried that we wouldn’t be impressed enough when we Raptured up there and raise a ruckus the likes of which He hasn’t seen since Lucifer started that almost-successful angel coup." Pastor reminded everyone of what happened during the turn of the millennium a few years ago, when a few elderly and eager Landover members, who were absolutely certain in their souls that Jesus was going to show up at midnight, lost their lives. "Their horrifying story is a lesson to us all," he said. "Those of you who are not blessed enough to enjoy the RealAmerican™ True Christian™ lifestyle need to work on your patience," said Pastor. "It's been well over 2,000 years now, and every interpretation of prophecy we've had so far has been wrong. Hell’s bells, even Jesus and Paul thought it would happen right away, so it is hardly surprising that normal folks – who aren’t the son of God or talk like they are – get their dates all mixed up, too.  We've got Jack Van Impe hoppin' around like a rooster in a hen coop trying to get his claws back around scripture every time a prophecy falls through the cracks. Let's all calm down and try to understand, folks. So, the Lord is taking his leisurely time, my friends. And so should you, in your duty to emulate the Lord. Have another glass of this newly unfermented wine and relax.  Go about your Christian business and enjoy your life. Find the wonderful delight that only comes from being more loved by God than the unsaved trash around you! Why be so eager for Glory when you won’t have that extra kick in your step that only comes from being just a bit better than everyone else?  Continue to memorize the sections of  Scripture approved for reading, purchase 100% Christian non-Chinese products, go to church, fight the liberal menace, sniff out sinners, practice discretionary witnessing, and be thankful that your 9:00 a.m. tee time at Landover's Leviticus Acres Executive Christian Golf Course was secured through your earnest and selfless prayers – and tithes commensurate with your love of the Lord Jesus.  

Pastor also told concerned church members to continue memorizing the following verses about the imminence of the Lord's Second Coming.  (Even though unsaved naysayers are fond of citing such Scriptures to show the supposed unreliability of Biblical prophesy, these passages simply underscore that Jesus loves His flock so much, He isn’t above telling a little white lie to keep its interest.)   

Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh”(James 5:8). 
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrist; whereby we know that it is the last time (1 John 2:18). 
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom” (Matthew 16:28; see also Mark 9:1). 
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand”(Romans 13:11-12). 
Behold, I come quickly” (Revelation 22:7; see also Revelation 3:11). 
Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation” (Matthew 23:36). 
 “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass” (Revelation 1:1). 
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2). 
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according to his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12). 
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand” (2 Thessalonians 2:2). 
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord”  (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). 
But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none” (1 Corinthians 7:29). 
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand” (Revelation 1:3). 
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”(Matthew 23:34; see also Mark 13:30). 
Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live” (John 5:25). 
Jesus saith unto [Peter], If I will that [John] tarry till I come, what is that to thee?” (John 21:22). 
For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Hebrews 10:37). 
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly” (Revelation 22:20). [2]

Is the Rapture a Biblical Doctrine?

The Rapture doctrine means one thing and one thing only. It does not refer to people going to Heaven after they die, to people having visions or traveling in visionary states etc. The Rapture theory refers to the belief in the nearly instantaneous translocation of every single "Born Again Christian" on earth to Heaven as shown in this video. It refers to the nearly instantaneous disappearance of millions (if not billions) of human beings around the globe without a trace. It speaks of the "taking away" of every child on earth, of jets falling from the skies as Christian pilots are "taken" (arguably a good reason not to hire Christians hehe); it foretells the worst multi-car pile-ups in history as every vehicle being driven by a Christian is suddenly abandoned and careens out of control, of husbands and wives, parents and their children being separated as the Christians are "taken" in a twinkling of an eye from all over the globe.

The Doctrine of the Rapture of the Church is the popular Nicean Christian belief that at some point in the future HaShem will extract all true "Christians" from the earth, "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" leaving everyone else here to suffer under the reign of the coming Antichrist (Rex Mundi).
This idea gained popular support through the teachings of Dr. Clarence Larkin (Dispensational Truths), Rev. Charles Scofield (The Scofield Bible), a plethora of Second and Third Great Awakening Evangelists (see my study The Great Awakenings for more on these religious developments), and more recently from the unbiblical works of fiction by Tim Lahey known as The Left Behind Series in which the Antichrist is depicted as a Transylvanian Dracula-type Liberal do-gooder gone bad! Likewise, Family Radio of Harold Camping has used this teaching to mislead millions. We need to understand the truth of this! Is this a biblical doctrine? Consider the following:
In Summary

"Just the Facts Please!"
    No Biblical Support:
  • The "Rapture" is a new doctrine, not historically held by any segment of the Church prior to the mid 1800's.
  • Proponants can't agree on the question of timing: Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation, so it's obviously not that clear. There are clear statements in the Revelation and elsewhere that contradict all three of the theorized time frames for a Rapture.
    If this earth shaking event were truly a biblical prophecy it would be made clear by the holy prophets.
  • One reason often given for why the Rapture must occur is that the Holy Spirit (the Ruach of HaShem: the Holy Presence of HaShem) must be removed from the Earth during the reign of the Beast (Rex Mundi/Antichrist). No biblical evidence for this view is ever offered nor can any be shown. Were God's Presence ever withdrawn from the Earth all life would instantly cease to exist since in the Spirit of Adonai "...we live, and move, and have our being..." (Acts 17:28).
    Doctrinally this idea is even more problematic because were this accurate no one post Rapture could be "saved" nor have any communion with God (to be directed by Him etc.) and yet the biblical prophets clearly show divine intervention and inspiration throughout the entire final seven year period.
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered but passed through the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19). So too will we pass through the Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
  • Daniel was delivered but he nonetheless went through the Lion's den (Daniel 6:16).
  • The House of Judah survived King Nebuchadnezzar's tyrany but they passed though their Babylonian captivity.
  • The House of Judah survived the wrath of Haman because Mordecai was inspired to say to Esther: "...who knows whether you haven't come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). They went through the experiences and HaShem protected them. So too will we pass through the Seven Years or serve God's Will as martyrs.
  • Nowhere in Scripture does Adonai remove His people in this way. They always pass through the "Red Sea" and continue in His service under His protection and inspiration.

    Not Taught by Rebbe Y'shua:
  • Rebbe Y'shua (Jesus) does not reference a Rapture in his important Matthew 24 list of signs in response to the question of his talmidim (students) "When will these things be?"
    The Rapture would be a major sign for those left behind! Surely Y'shua would have explained what such an event would mean for those "left behind." Multitudes would be seeking to understand the prophecies and their fulfillment. They would be on their faces before HaShem begging for another chance. Would Y'shua leave them with any mention of such an event? According to most Rapture theories those left behind will still be able to find salvation as long they have not taken the Mark of the Beast. Surely Y'shua would have hammered this point home for them! Instead he mute on the subject? Makes no sense.
  • Some advocates of this heresy point out that Rebbe Y'shua's Matthew 24 prophecy does reference 'those in the field' being "taken." They assume this is referring to the Rapture. Consider the context however. This warning is clearly speaking of the Jews of Jerusalem at the End of Days who will flee the beleaguered Holy City once Rex Mundi commits the "abomination of desolation spoken of by Prophet Daniel" (see Matthew 24:14 and 24:40, Revelation 12:). This is not referring to a Rapture when read in context.
    In the same section (Matthew 24:17) we see clearly that such people would not have the option to return to their homes to retrieve their belongings under the conditions supposed in the Rapture teaching. Those who are wise will immediately flee. Those that fail to properly understand the signs will not flee and they will face the wrath of Rex Mundi (Revelation 12:).
    And yet 'Those in the field,' 'on the roof tops' etc. are encouraged to run into the wilderness relying on nothing by Adonai, rather than returning home for their belongings. Such options would not exist in the Rapture as taught and so the reference can not be to it.
  • Rebbe Y'shua does not discuss or even reference a Rapture in his prophetic presentations to John in the Book Revelation.
    The imagined Rapture references at Revelation 1:10, 4:1 etc. are to John's spirit being "taken up" in his visions so he could behold what our Cohen Gadol (High Preist and Mediator) had to show him. Emissary Paul also references such experiences when he writes: "... whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: only God knows" (II Corinthians 12:2). These are not physical takings as with the Rapture theory and so can not be compared to such an event. Such statements are descriptive of visionary experiences only.
  • Nicene Christians do not honor the Sabbath (as commanded in both the Tanakh and B'rit Hadashah -- the "Old" and New Testament writings) and so the Rebbe's concern on their behalf that this fleeing not take place on the Sabbath has no meaning for modern Christians. Master Y'shua would surely have known the Church would abandon the Sabbath three hundred years after his death and so there would be no reason for adding this. Clearly he is speaking to the Jews of Jerusalem in this verse who will confront the fury of the coming despot and his New World Order.

    Not Taught by Rabbi Paul:
  • Believers are advised to stand firm against the Son of Perdition (the Antichrist/Rex Mundi). To do so they must be present on the earth during his reign.
  • The "Last Trump" (I Corinthians 15:52) is sounded to announce the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth and the beginning of Moshiach's reign (Revelation 11:15). Paul's comment in I Corinthians 15 specifically refers to the time that seventh shofar/trumpet is sounded. The Pre or Mid Tribulation Rapture as conceived would have taken place years before this shofar (ram's horn) is sounded according to the Book of the Revelation. It is sounded when the Jews are ALL gathered back to Jerusalem for the inauguration of the global theocratic Kingdom (Hosea 3:4-5, Isaiah 2:4, Isaiah 11:6-9).

    Not Taught in the Book of the Revelation:
  • Revelations 6:9 makes it clear that during the entire seven year period those martyred by the Antichrist and his New World Order must patiently wait, "until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." This clearly shows that there will be no Rapture to rescue their fellow Believers from martyrdom (unless one interprets the Rapture as referring to the elevation of the martyrs during this period, in which case a different term should be coined because that is not what people mean by the word Rapture).
  • The prophetic word about the future of the Church makes it clear there will be no escaping the things that are coming. Throughout the Seven Church Ages (described in Revelation chapters 2 and 3) the Church has moved progressively farther and farther away from the God of Israel until, in the "Laodicean" End Times, the Church will embrace the Antichrist and be "vomitted out." If the Church deserves to be vomited out how and why would God rapture it away to safety and bliss? Will Adonai reward the lukewarm apostate Church for its failures and backsliding? May God forbid the thought!
  • Both the Pre-Tribulation (the most commonly held view) and the Mid-Tribulation Rapture versions are directly and repeatedly contradicted by the clear biblical teachings concerning who will be on Earth opposing the Rex Mundi ("Global Potentate") during the final conflict. According to the prophets, the true Believers will be present throughout the Seven Year Tribulation Period that ends the age of the Goyim (Luke 21:24).
  • The Pre, Mid and Post-Tribulation Rapture theories are biblically discounted when we consider that despite the Nicolaitan doctrines of people living in Heaven and walking on gold plated clouds, the Kingdom of Adonai will be on the Earth, not in Heaven. Y'shua made this clear when he taught us to pray: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
    The Book of the Revelation shows some few survivors of the Tribulation Period but most then alive will not endure to the end. The vast majority of lifeforms on the planet are going to die during the Tribulation period, at least 3/4. Those who die during the Tribulation as martyrs will immediately awaken to find themselves in Heaven before the Throne (Revelation 6:10). These will return to the Earth along with Y'shua and his angels to defeat the Rex Mundi and inaugurate the Theocratic Kingdom. Others will be resurrected during the Kingdom reign through two resurrections of the dead (one to life, the other to destruction.
  • John explains that at certain points during the Tribulation Period -- including during the second half (known as the "Great Tribulation") -- Believers will receive various protections from certain of the plagues (compare Revelation 7:3, 9:4 etc). This establishes that they will obviously still be on the earth at those points.
  • The foretold (and now present) "Laodicean Church" of the Last Days is depicted as a lukewarm, hypocritical body that has abandoned the teachings of Rebbe Y'shua. These people claim to be Jews but they are not (Revelation 2:9). Our final "Church age" has largely become irrelevant in the world surrendering its authority to Islam, Secular Humanism and general apathy. Eventually it will kneel before Rex Mundi and his high priest the False Prophet as it becomes Babylon the Great (and/or her daughters). Portions of the Church are even now being "vomited out" as is obvious from the various sex, political and money scandals, the lack of Christian opposition to the rise of the Islamic Ummah and the New World Order, the general acceptence of the demonic practice of abortion throughout the so-called Christian world, the lack of biblical study and knowledge among Christians, etc. No, the Laodicean Church of today will certainly not be raptured away for its protection and glory! Rather it will be (is being) ruptured to its Pagan core in order that a pure Bride may be brought forth for Y'shua HaMoshiach. The Great Gentile Multitude and the 144,000 Jews who will stand with Moshiach during the final seven years are already being gathered and prepared (Revelation chapter 7). These people are not depending on religious hierarchies and ourdated creeds. Their hope is in the Echad Elohiym (the One God) alone.

    Not Supported by God's Historic Dealings With His People:
  • Adonai never granted this type of protection to His Elect even during the Exodus, the horrors of 70 C.E. or Masada, the Russian Pograms, the Nazi-wrought Shoah/Holocaust etc. Adonai does at times protect His people for His glory and purposes, but nowhere in Scripture does He remove them from the scene. They always remain as a testimony of His glory and faithfulness. There is no biblical evidence nor historic precedents that HaShem will do so for the lukewarm Nicene Christians nor for those comparatively few who are standing faithfully.
    Would it be a glorious relief to believe we are going to be spirited away in a Rapture from the things to come? Absolutely! Is it going to happen? Absolutely not. [3]

Despite Israel's increasingly overt agitation for military action, Western officials appear poised to make a fresh attempt to resolve the crisis through diplomacy.
Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign affairs chief, announced yesterday that she would conduct talks with Iran's main nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, "in the coming days".
The announcement came as Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, insisted that his country would never seek nuclear weapons and that its programme was entirely peaceful.
"Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none," he told heads of state assembled in Tehran for the annual summit of the Non-aligned Movement.

[1] http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2012/September01/011.html#.UEa3S9ZlQca

[2] http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0104/rapture.html

[3] http://www.jewtoo.org/rapture.html

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